Salar del Diablo Project

Pre-drilling exploration covered 14% of the property that included 80 line kilometers of a time domain electromagnetic survey, geochemical sampling, geological mapping, and satellite imagery structural analysis. A 12-hole drill program started on May 24, 2019 to intersect geophysical, geochemical, and geological targets. The drilling program was suspended on June 13, 2019 as the initial five holes did not drill deep enough to intersect any targets.

Montgomery & Associates (M&A) became the new Operator in August, 2019.

In October, 2019, drilling resumed with a four-hole program to reach depths of 600 meters per hole. DDH-1 was drilled adjacent to the previous hole # 1 that reached a depth of 650 meters and the second hole, DDH-2, was drilled 12 kilometers to the south and adjacent to the old hole # 11 that reached a depth of 594 meters. DDH-3’s location is 50 kilometers to the south of DDH-2 where drilling is planned to start during october,2020. Depending on results from DDH-3, DDH-4 maybe drilled in the same area.

Salar del Diablo Lithium Property

The Salar del Diablo is a 103,430-hectare (400 square mile) property that covers a large salar. The Property is located in the State of Baja California, Mexico.

Approximately 14% of the property has been explored by geochemical sampling, a geophysical survey, geological mapping, and satellite imagery structural analysis. A time domain electromagnetic survey consisted of 80-line kilometers composed of 7 lines spaced two kilometers apart that covers 150 square kilometers.

Geophysical Program
Results to Date

  • The geophysical survey results defined three major conductive zones that could be indicative of brine, which cover more than 54 square kilometers. Two of the three zones extend beyond the limits of the geophysical survey and are open ended. In addition, two of the zones may be more than 300 and 600 feet thick.
  • Syd Visser, President of SJ Geophysics Ltd. noted “The survey’s objective was to delineate changes in conductivity that could represent conductive layers. The Salar del Diablo was considerably more conductive than expected. As in other salars in North and South America that are in production or advanced exploration, the conductive layers could represent saline brines, which may contain elevated concentrations of lithium.”

The conductive zones identified by SJ Geophysics are:

Zone Two: Light Blue

  • Surrounds Zone One;
  • Is less than 100 meters (300 feet) thick;
  • Is also very conductive with reading of 2.0 ohm.m which is the average value of readings that range from 1.5 ohm.m to of 5.0 ohm.m;
  • Covers 24 square kilometers, which includes Zone One in the center; and
  • Is open ended to both the north and south beyond the survey grid.

Zone Three: Light Pink

  • Is a continuously conductive zone located beneath a resistive layer;
  • Is both east and west of Zone Two. Interpretation suggests the west side has likely been down faulted and may be originally related to Zones One and Two;
  • Is located at 300 meters deep at the south end and shallows to 200 meters as the overlying sediments decrease in thickness;
  • Is estimated to be 200 meters (600 feet) thick;
  • Is continuously conductive with ohm.m varying between 5 and 10 ohm.m; and
  • Is open ended to both the north and south off the grid.
  • Zone three covers more than 30 square kilometers

Geochemical Program
Results to Date

  • Over a distance of 80 kilometers, all 24 initial geochemical surface samples contained lithium with an average grade of 74 parts per million (ppm) lithium. Within the area of the geophysical survey, 59 additional samples have an average grade of 86 ppm lithium, which defines a 150 square kilometer lithium anomaly. For surface samples, these lithium grades are similar to some producing lithium brine deposits. The samples also assayed as high as 1.9% potassium, an average grade of 400 ppm boron, as high as 10,000 ppm cesium, and a low average grade of 1.3% magnesium.
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Samples 320 to 379 are the 59 samples referred to above

Geological Results to Date

A geological map has not been completed. However, evaluation of satellite data, known tufa mounds (relic hot springs) and outcrops indicate intra basin structures exist including faults in bedrock outcrop found outside the basin that trend into the Salar.

There are north-south active faults and cross cutting linears that could be cross faulting throughout the basin and adjacent bedrock outcrops.

There are two evident features:

1) the geophysical Zone One appears to be constrained at the north and south ends of the survey area by a significant increase in cross faulting; and

2) the cross faulting appears to dominate the east side of the basin and bedrock complex. These features suggest that conditions may exist to concentrate brines.

USGS-defined five geologic attributes necessary to concentrate lithium in a brine are present at Salar del Diablo that are:

  • 1. a closed basin
  • 2. hot springs
  • 3. volcanic rocks enriched with lithium
  • 4. active faults that may allow for transport of lithium into the salar basin
  • 5. within a region of high heat flow.