News Releases

One World Lithium Announces Conference Call On Tuesday, July 23, 2019
One World Lithium Announces Conference Call on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 VANCOUVER, BC – July 16, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB -OWRDF) (CSE-OWLI) (the […]One World Lithium Announces Initial Drilling Results and Future Drilling Program
One World Lithium Announces Initial Drilling Results and Future Drilling Program VANCOUVER, BC – July 11, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB -OWRDF) (CSE-OWLI) (the […]One World Lithium Announces First Tranche Closing of Private Placement
One World Lithium Announces First Tranche Closing of Private Placement NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES VANCOUVER, […]One World Lithium announces Aquifers Containing Brines, Additional Claims Staked and Summary Drilling Report in July 2019
One World Lithium announces Aquifers Containing Brines, Additional Claims Staked and Summary Drilling Report in July 2019 VANCOUVER, BC/ June 18, 2019 – One World Lithium […]One World Lithium Announces Drilling Program Update on Its Salar Del Diablo Property Baja California, Mexico
One World Lithium Announces Drilling Program Update on Its Salar Del Diablo Property Baja California, Mexico VANCOUVER, BC – June 13, 2019 – One World Lithium […]One World Lithium Announces Private Placement
NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES One World Lithium Announces Private Placement VANCOUVER, BC – June 07, […]One World Lithium Announces that Two Drill Holes Located 14 Kilometers Apart Have Intersected Aquifers that May Contain Brine and Closing of its Private Placement
One World Lithium Announces that Two Drill Holes Located 14 Kilometers Apart Have Intersected Aquifers that May Contain Brine and Closing of its Private Placement VANCOUVER, […]One World Lithium Announces Drilling Progress Report
One World Lithium Announces Drilling Progress Report VANCOUVER, BC – May 23, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB-OWRDF) (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) has updated its […]One World Lithium Announces 4,250 Meter Drill Program Start
One World Lithium Announces 4,250 Meter Drill Program Start ___ VANCOUVER, BC – April 30, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB -OWRDF) (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the […]One World Lithium Announces Second Tranche Closing of Private Placement
One World Lithium Announces Second Tranche Closing of Private Placement ___ VANCOUVER, BC – April 11, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB) (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the […]One World Lithium Announces Drilling Rig Mobilization and Engagement of Investor Relations Firm
One World Lithium Announces Drilling Rig Mobilization and Engagement of Investor Relations Firm ___ VANCOUVER, B.C., April 10, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB-OWRDF) (CSE- […]One World Lithium Issuance of Common Shares
One World Lithium Issuance of Common Shares ___ VANCOUVER, B.C., March 19, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (OTCQB-OWRDF) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces that the […]One World Lithium Now Inter Listed on the OTCQB Venture Market
One World Lithium Now Inter Listed on the OTCQB Venture Market ___ VANCOUVER, B.C., March 07, 2019. One World Lithium Inc. (OTCQB – OWRDF and CSE […]One World Lithium Announces Stock Option Grant And Debt Settlements
One World Lithium Announces Stock Option Grant And Debt Settlements ___ VANCOUVER, B.C. / March 02, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces it […]One World Lithium Amends Terms of Warrants to Extend Expiry Date
One World Lithium Amends Terms of Warrants to Extend Expiry Date _____ VANCOUVER, B.C., February 27, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) […]Drilling Contract
DRILLING CONTRACT ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, B.C., February 19, 2019 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) has signed a contract with Layne de Mexico to […]Clarifies Date Of Drilling Company’s Site Visit
Clarifies Date Of Drilling Company’s Site Visit _____________________ VANCOUVER, B.C., December 13, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) clarifies that in it’s news […]One World Lithium Progress Report
One World Lithium Progress Report _____________________ VANCOUVER, B.C., December 13, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) is in the process of reaching […]One World Lithium Announces Initial Closing Of Private Placement, January 2019 Drilling Program, Increased Property Interest And Appointment Of An Advisor
One World Lithium Announces Initial Closing Of Private Placement, January 2019 Drilling Program, Increased Property Interest And Appointment Of An Advisor ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, BC – NOVEMBER […]One World Lithium Announces Engagement Of Proactive Investors And The Bizzo Management Group
One World Lithium Announces Engagement Of Proactive Investors And The Bizzo Management Group One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the “Company”) ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, BC – SEPTEMBER 12, […]One World Lithium Accepts The Proposed 11 Hole Drill Program And One World Lithium’s Increased Property Interest In Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property, Baja California Norte, Mexico
One World Lithium Accepts The Proposed 11 Hole Drill Program And One World Lithium’s Increased Property Interest In Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property, Baja California […]One World Lithium Announces Three Very Large And Highly Conductive Zones Totaling More Than 60 Square Kilometers And Open Ended At Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property, Baja California, Mexico
One World Lithium Announces Three Very Large And Highly Conductive Zones Totalling More Than 60 Square Kilometers And Open Ended At Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium […]One World Lithium Releases Additional Geochemical Results From Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property In Mexico
One World Lithium Releases Additional Geochemical Results From Its Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property In Mexico One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the “Company”) ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, BC […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM INC. ANNOUNCES PRIVATE PLACEMENT
NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES Vancouver, BC, June 29, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) […]One World Lithium Reports On Geophysical Results The Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property
One World Lithium Reports On Geophysical Results The Salar Del Diablo Lithium Property One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the “Company”) ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, BC – JUNE 26, […]One World Lithium Announces Governance Changes
One World Lithium Announces Governance Changes One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the “Company”) ______________________________________________________________________ VANCOUVER, BC – June 22, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) […]One World Lithium Inc. Announces Filing Of Its Year End And First Quarter Financial Statements And Management’s Discussion And Analysis
One World Lithium Inc. Announces Filing Of Its Year End And First Quarter Financial Statements And Management’s Discussion And Analysis One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the […]One World Lithium Inc. Announces Termination Of Its Mogollon Property And Provides An Update On Management Cease Trade Order
One World Lithium Inc. Announces Termination Of Its Mogollon Property And Provides An Update On Management Cease Trade Order One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (the “Company”) […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM INC. PROVIDES UPDATE ON MANAGEMENT CEASE TRADE ORDER
Vancouver, BC, May 28, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces that on May 1, 2018, the British Columbia Securities Commission issued […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM ANNOUNCES CLOSING OF THE SECOND TRANCHE OF ITS PRIVATE PLACEMENT AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW DIRECTOR
VANCOUVER, BC – MAY 24, 2018 – One World lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the “Company”) announces that it has closed the second tranche of its previously announced […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM INC. PROVIDES UPDATE ON MANAGEMENT CEASE TRADE ORDER
Vancouver, BC, May 14, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces that on May 1, 2018, the British Columbia Securities Commission issued […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM INC. ANNOUNCES STOCK OPTION GRANT
Vancouver, BC, May 11, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has granted incentive stock options to […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM CLARIFIES AND RETRACTS CERTAIN DISCLOSURE
VANCOUVER, BC, March 09, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the “Company”) reports as a result of a review by the British Columbia Securities Commission […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM ANNOUNCES GOVERNANCE CHANGES
VANCOUVER, BC – May 2, 2018 – One World lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the “Company”) announces the resignation of Terri Anne Welyki as director of the Company […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM INC. ANNOUNCES APPLICATION FOR A MANAGEMENT CEASE TRADE ORDER
Vancouver, BC, April 30, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces that it will be unable to file its annual financial statements […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM ANNOUNCES GOVERNANCE CHANGES
VANCOUVER, BC – April 25, 2018 – One World lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the “Company”) announces the resignation of Jeannine Webb (“Webb”) as Chief Financial Officer and […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM ANNOUNCES GEOCHEMICAL RESULTS FROM ITS SALAR del DIABLO LITHIUM PROPERTY, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
Vancouver, BC, April 11, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE-OWLI) (“OWL”) (the “Company”) announces that fieldwork at Salar del Diablo Property (the “Property”) was recently […]ONE WORLD LITHIUM ANNOUNCES PARTIAL CLOSE OF PRIVATE PLACEMENT AND REPORTS ON THE SALAR DEL DIABLO LITHIUM EXPLORATION PROGRAMS
VANCOUVER, BC – MARCH 23, 2018 – One World lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the Company”) announces that it has closed a portion of its private placement that […]One World Lithium Announces Geophysical And Geochemical Programs Underway At Salar Del Diablo And Private Placement Funding
VANCOUVER, BC, February 01, 2018 – One World Lithium Inc. (CSE:OWLI) (the “Company”) announces the Geophysical and Geochemical sampling programs are underway with twelve personnel on […]